A warranty is a legal document and obligation binding a company financially to the performance of its products and services. Usually, certain conditions and limitations apply.
To provide a warranty, a company must have confidence that its products will perform as stated.
Lifetime warranty
We are confident in the performance of the paint protection film featuring Nano-Fusion technology, that we are providing a LIFETIME warranty, the best in the business.
Our PPF utilizing Nano-Fusion technology is warranted to be free of defects in manufacturing and workmanship for life.
To arrive at this point, we conducted extensive testing which has proven to us that this PPF is the best on the market, resisting yellowing and cracking better than any other film available. The warranty protects the dealer’s customer, the dealer and you.
* Lifetime warranty does not apply to damage to PPF caused by erroneous application, vehicle involved in accident, intentional misuse or wear. Limitation of remedies and liabilities are solely restricted to replacement of the defective film. A paid labor component is added if the product fails within the scope of the warranty.